Arrowsmith Naturalists Final 2024 Brant Count – May 7, 2024

Arrowsmith Naturalists Final 2024 Brant Count – May 7, 2024

Photo by Angie Ooms

Tide at the beginning of count: 8 feet
Tide at the close of count: 10.8 feet
Rising tide
Weather: sunny, light wind, choppy sea
Participants: Sandra Gray, Dan Gray, Bonnie Mullin, Helen Davidson, Liz Bredberg, Gene
Gapsis, Meghan MaIsaac

Total brant counted: 4

Zone 1: North area: from Qualicum Beach Viewing Stand north to the mouth of the Little
Qualicum River.
Brant observed in area: 0

  • Viewing stand: 1 pedestrian, 2 off-leash dogs, 1 great blue heron, gulls
  • Qualicum beach: 5 great blue herons, 2 oystercatchers, gulls, 1 pedestrian, one off-
    leash dog
  • Kincaid: kildeer, 1 oystercatcher, gulls, 2 bald eagles, 1 violet-green swallow
  • W. Surfside Drive: 2 oystercatchers, 1 loon sp., gulls

Zone 2: Central area: from French Creek Marina to south end of Seacrest
Brant observed in area: 0

  • French Creek Marina: Bonaparte’s gulls
  • Butterball: 16 c. mergansers hunting

Zone 3: South area: Rathtrevor Beach, Brant Point, west end of Mariner Way, Parksville Beach
Brant observed in area: 4

  • Rathtrevor Beach: very low tide, scattered gulls, 1 great blue heron
  • Mariner Way: 4 brant, gulls, ducks on sand bar
  • Parksville Community Park: 8 c. mergansers, 1 great blue heron, 1 common loon
Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 30, 2024

Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 30, 2024

1:00 – 3:15 pm
Tide at the beginning of count: 6.9 feet
Tide at the close of count: 4.1 feet
Falling tide
Weather: 10-12 C, light breeze, sunny
Participants: Sandra Gray, Dan Gray, Claire Summers, Bonnie Mullin, Dave Erickson, Helen
Davidson, Tom Whitfield, Liz Bredberg
Total brant counted: 4

Zone 1: North area: from Qualicum Beach Viewing Stand north to the mouth of the Little
Qualicum River.
Total brant counted: 0

  • Beach Creek: few gulls
    Qualicum Beach Viewing stand: +/- 25 horned grebes, gulls, mallards, 4 great blue
    Kincade: Buffleheads, 1 Great Blue Heron, small flock (~20) dunlin
    Surfside E: Buffleheads, gulls, 2 horned grebes, 1 killdeer, seals, 1 sea lion, 8 surf scoters
    flying eastward, 1 boat in the Qualicum River estuary

Zone 2: Central area: from French Creek Marina to south end of Seacrest
Total brant counted: 0

  • French Creek Marina East: 40 Bonaparte’s gulls, 1 pigeon guillermot, bald eagle
    French Creek Marina West: Great Blue Heron, 3 house finch
    Columbia Beach: 6 bufflehead, 1 pedestrian, 1 dog
    Admiral Tryon E: crows, 2 pedestrians, 1 dog
    Johnstone Rd.: 1 common loon, 2 bald eagles, crows, 3 oystercatchers
    Butterball: 2 pedestrians with 1 off-leash dog, 16 red-breasted mergansers, 1 great blue
    heron, 1 common loon, mixed flock of gulls including Bonapartes’, glaucous winged
    gulls, short bills,

Seacrest: 3 pigeon guillermots, loon, Bonapartes’, 2 mallards

  • Zone 3: South area: Rathtrevor Beach, Brant point, West end of Mariner Way, Parksville Bay
    Total brant counted: 4
    Parksville Beach: lots of sand showing, 1 loose dog on beach scattered 20 gulls, no
    divers or dabblers seen, 3 orcas close in—just off the sandbar at Arbutus Point, headed
    toward river mouth
    Mariner Way: 1 group of about 20 pacific loons, a few common loons, no other divers
    or dabblers seen
    Rathtrevor: low tide with very few people on the extensive sandflats. About 220 gulls
    along the waterline, 2 great blue heron, no brant seen. 21 white-fronted geese
    overhead headed toward the Englishman River Estuary. Five more orcas seen, possible
    part of group seen earlier, along the West shore of Ballenas Island N.
    Madrona Point: Four brant on the back of the sandbar close to Brant Point, 3 common
    loons, 2 pigeon guillermot, scattered gulls, 2 black oystercatchers, very few birds
Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 23, 2024

Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 23, 2024

Time  11:15

Tide at the beginning of count:  5.7 feet

Tide at the close of count:  5.8 feet

Turning tide

Weather:  clear, light breeze, calm sea, then rippled

Participants:  Sandra Gray, Dan Gray, Claire Summers,  Bonnie Mullins, Dave Erickson, Tom Whitfield, Liz Thorne, Jim Thorne, Dennis Horwood,  Jane Osborne, Gene Gapsis, Meghan MacIsaac, Liz Bredberg

Total brant counted: 23 


Zone 1:  North area:  from Qualicum Beach Viewing Stand north to the mouth of the Little Qualicum River.

Total brant counted in area:  3 flying near Surfside Dr. #

  • Seaside Nature Park: bufflehead, horned grebes in breeding plumage, red-breasted mergansers hunting, common loons, few gulls
  • Surfside Dr. E. 3 brant flying, 25+ bufflehead, 18 red-breasted mergansers, 19 horned grebes, 23+ pacific loons, 6 common loons, gonaparte’s gulls, scattered gulls—gull numbers down considerably


Zone 2:  Central area:  from French Creek Marina to south end of Seacrest

Total brant counted in area:  0

  • French Creek Marina, west side: Bonaparte’s gulls, loons, 5 murrelets,  horned grebes, red necked mergansers, common mergansers
  • French Creek Marina, east side: common mergansers, mallards, 2 killdeer
  • Columbia Beach: Great Blue Heron, 4 murrelets, gulls, loons, mallards, Bonaparte’s gulls
  • Admiral Tryon West: bald eagle, crows, yellowlegs.  1 pedestrian
  • Johnstone St.: cormorant sp., loon, mallard, greater yellowlegs
  • Butterball: 2 Bald eagles, crows, loons, c. mergansers
  • Seacrest: 1 bald eagle


Zone 3:  South area:  Madrona Point, Rathtrevor Beach, Brant point, West end of Mariner Way, Parksville Bay 

Total brant counted in area:  20

  • Rathtrevor: 20 brant, common mergansers, 1 loon sp
  • Mariner Way: 0 brant
  • City Park: 0 brant, loons, 1 lesser yellowlegs.










Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count Tuesday April 16, 2024

Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count Tuesday April 16, 2024

Photo:  Angie Ooms

Time 1:20-2:30
Tide at the beginning of count: 10.4 feet
Tide at the close of count: 9.3 feet
falling tide
Weather: Clear, light wind, choppy sea
Participants: Sandra Gray, Dan Gray, Gene Gapsis, Meghan MacIsaac, Claire Summers , Bonnie
Mullin, Dave Erickson, Catherine Watson, Liz Thorne, Jim Thorne, Liz Bredberg

Total brant counted: 630

Zone 1: North area: from Qualicum Beach Viewing Stand north to the mouth of the Little Qualicum River.

  • QB viewing stand: 0 Brant, gulls, 15 American wigeons
  • Qualicum Beach: 0 Brant, gulls, 12 dunlin,
  • Kincade: 0 Brant, gulls, 40 bufflehead, 2 red-breasted mergansers, mallards, 50
    wigeons, 2 northern pintail
  • E. Surfside 30 Brant

Zone 2: Central area: from French Creek Marina to south end of Seacrest

Good visibility, light chop, steady wind, crashing waves. Outgoing tide with many pools

  • French Creek mouth: 0 Brant, 150+ American wigeon, 4 killdeer, mallard, gulls
  • Adm. Tryon E: 0 brant, Bonaparte’s gulls, group of red-breasted mergansers huntin
  • Adm. Tryon W. 0 Brant, gulls, wigeon, incubating eagle
  • Butterball: 0 Brant, 225+ dunlin, 10+ turnstones, more gulls and wigeon, 1 kestrel
  • Seacrest: 0 Brant, 145+ dunlin, turnstones and wigeon mixed with gulls

Zone 3: South area: Rathtrevor Beach, Brant point, West end of Mariner Way, Parksville Bay

  • Rathtrevor Beach, 600 Brant, 2 Great Blue Herons, 4 Harlequin ducks, 1 oyster catcher
  • Mariner Way: 0 Brant, 1 GB heron, 4 harlequins, 1 oyster catcher
  • PV Park: 0 Brant, 1 GH heron, mallards
  • 1 unleashed dog
Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 9th, 2024

Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 9th, 2024

Time: 10:15-11:35
Tide at the beginning of count: 9 feet
Tide at the close of count: 9.7 feet
Turning tide
Weather: 9C, brisk breeze, clear, good visibility
Participants: (12) Sandra Gray, Dan Gray, Claire Summers, Bonnie Mullin, Dave Erickson, Helen
Davidson, Liz Thorne, Jim Thorne, Toni Wykoff, Gene Gapsis, Jane Osborne,Liz Bredberg
Total brant counted: 1687

Zone 1: North area: from Qualicum Beach Viewing Stand north to the mouth of the Little
Qualicum River.
Brant counted: 80 

  • No rafts of ducks observed.
  • Beach creek: gulls, 2 buffleheads
  • Viewing Stand: Few gulls, mallards, 1 eagle flying
  • Kincade: 1 juvenile bald eagle, few gulls, small flock dunlin, few scoters flying
  • Surfside E: Few gulls, group of mergansers on water
  • Surfside W: few gulls, few wigeons, dunlin, few scoters in flight

Zone 2: Central area: from French Creek Marina to south end of Seacrest
Brant counted: 60

  • FC Marina S: 30 Bonapartes gulls, 3 c. mergansers
  • FC Estuary: Gulls, wigeons, mallards
  • Columbia Beach: 10 eagles, 6 RB mergansers, 40 bufflehead,
  • Tryon Pools: 30 eagles
  • Butterball E: 22 eagles
  • Butterball W: 2 gadwall, 6 Bonaparte gulls, 12 American wigeons, 1 Eurasian wigeon,
  • 100 scoters,2 eagles
  • Seacrest: 4 eagles, 4 dunlin, 2 black-bellied plovers, gulls, 1 Anna’s hummingbird

Zone 3: South area: Rathtrevor Beach, Brant point, West end of Mariner Way, Parksville Bay
Onshore N breeze 8-10k, lots of sand showing at Rathtrevor with brant on the back of the
gravel bars. Very few people on the beaches, one dog off leash at Parksville Bay. Very few
diving ducks; gulls, most have likely gone north to breeding grounds.
Brant counted: 1547

  • Rathtrevor/Craig Bay/Brant Point: 500 brant feeding at waterline with scattered gulls,
  • 450 brant close to Brant Pt.
  • Mariner Way: 270 brant at mouth of Englishman River
  • Parksville Community Park: about 270 brant in the bay feeding with gulls mid-bay. 57
    brant in front of Surfside RV Resort, 25 Bufflehead, scoters flying up and down Salish
Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 2, 2024

Arrowsmith Naturalists Brant Count April 2, 2024


Tide at the beginning of count:  8.9 feet

Tide at the close of count:  6.6 feet

falling tide

Weather:   initially overcast, light breeze increased, cold rain by end of count

Participants:  11

Numbers of participants were reduced, so 3 zones of count were divided into two areas.


Total brant counted:  1942

Zones 1 and 2:  Johnstone Rd to Surfside Dr. E

Total brant 1300

  • Johnstone Rd: 150 Brant

2 Greater Yellowlegs, crows, 1 purple finch, Bewick’s wren, gulls, eagle

  • Butterball: 0 brant, 148 wigeon, 2 seals,
  • Seacrest: 0 brant. gulls, crows, dabblers
  • QB viewing stand: mix of scoters (60%), and scaup (40%)—20,000, 600+ gulls, crows
  • Surfside Dr. E 1150 brant, 250 dunlin, Black turnstones, 200+ scoters, Scattered divers and dabblers, 240 wigeons, 3200 gulls

Zones 2 and 3

Rathtrevor Beach, Brant point to Admiral Tryon West

Total brant counted:  642

  • Rathtrevor: 500 brant.  Tide low, brant in 3 groups at water’s edge, gulls, no dogs noted, 8 people on beach
  • Mariner Way: 60 brant.  In four small groups flying south, 12 brant on gravel bat
  • Parksville Beach: 70 brant, flew in from the south, mallards, buffleheads, gulls, mergansers 3 eagles
  • French Creek East: 0 Brant, gulls, rain beginning, wind increasing
  • French Creek West: 0 Brant, gulls, crows, wigeons, rain increasing
  • Columbia Beach: 0 Brant, 6 oystercatchers.
  • Admiral Tryon W: 0 Brant, no eagles, 3 crows, visibility poor due to rain and wind