Tour of Heritage Forest
Join us for an easy walk along the mulch trails of the 50-acre Qualicum Beach Heritage Forest. Here’s an opportunity to learn about old-growth Douglas-fir trees, forest ecology, wildlife and cultural history of this rare gem. Experience what these coastal forests were like a century ago. This forest was purchased and saved from development through community fund raising led by the Brown Property Preservation Society (BPPS) during 1996-2004. Lands are now co-managed by the BPPS, Town of Qualicum Beach and The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC). Protected in perpetuity by a conservation covenant, ensuring that nature takes priority, with informative interpretive natural feature signage throughout.
To register, contact Tom at heritageforest@shaw.ca. Limit of 10 people per tour.
The tour is free of charge, so please just reserve space if you are going to attend, as space is limited to 10 people.