Photo:  Angie Ooms

Time 1:20-2:30
Tide at the beginning of count: 10.4 feet
Tide at the close of count: 9.3 feet
falling tide
Weather: Clear, light wind, choppy sea
Participants: Sandra Gray, Dan Gray, Gene Gapsis, Meghan MacIsaac, Claire Summers , Bonnie
Mullin, Dave Erickson, Catherine Watson, Liz Thorne, Jim Thorne, Liz Bredberg

Total brant counted: 630

Zone 1: North area: from Qualicum Beach Viewing Stand north to the mouth of the Little Qualicum River.

  • QB viewing stand: 0 Brant, gulls, 15 American wigeons
  • Qualicum Beach: 0 Brant, gulls, 12 dunlin,
  • Kincade: 0 Brant, gulls, 40 bufflehead, 2 red-breasted mergansers, mallards, 50
    wigeons, 2 northern pintail
  • E. Surfside 30 Brant

Zone 2: Central area: from French Creek Marina to south end of Seacrest

Good visibility, light chop, steady wind, crashing waves. Outgoing tide with many pools

  • French Creek mouth: 0 Brant, 150+ American wigeon, 4 killdeer, mallard, gulls
  • Adm. Tryon E: 0 brant, Bonaparte’s gulls, group of red-breasted mergansers huntin
  • Adm. Tryon W. 0 Brant, gulls, wigeon, incubating eagle
  • Butterball: 0 Brant, 225+ dunlin, 10+ turnstones, more gulls and wigeon, 1 kestrel
  • Seacrest: 0 Brant, 145+ dunlin, turnstones and wigeon mixed with gulls

Zone 3: South area: Rathtrevor Beach, Brant point, West end of Mariner Way, Parksville Bay

  • Rathtrevor Beach, 600 Brant, 2 Great Blue Herons, 4 Harlequin ducks, 1 oyster catcher
  • Mariner Way: 0 Brant, 1 GB heron, 4 harlequins, 1 oyster catcher
  • PV Park: 0 Brant, 1 GH heron, mallards
  • 1 unleashed dog